Challenge Accepted!


So, I did it. I quit my job. And in celebration my dear friend, Katie Berry, came to me with a #SelfiePhotoChallenge.

Obviously, I am in! Here we go!!

Selfie Photo Challenge


I’ll fill you in later on the details of quitting my job. But I have to say I had a fucking blast doing this today! And on top of that, I pissed a bunch of people off doing it. Saw a few talking shit about it.. so this is how I responded on FB…

Screen Shot 2013-08-29 at 2.53.03 AM

hahaha! *You’re Welcome!* 

4 Responses to “Challenge Accepted!”
  1. Dave says:

    nice post.. btw, I wouldn’t say anything bad about you on facebook.. 😉


What did you think about it?